Commercial Popcorn - Incredible Profit Margins
As you can see from the table below, popcorn offers you tremendous profit margins. Just a day or two at a busy event will totally pay for one of our basic popcorn machines... The rest is all profit!
To explain further, a sack of raw popcorn kernels, costing £43.99 converts into fresh popcorn bringing you queues of customers paying you £700-£1000 cash. Everyone has seen the queues in cinemas where people happily pay £2.50 for a portion of popcorn. Watch the inevitable steady queues at car boot sales, shopping centres etc for hot fresh popcorn - see the excitement of kids as they 'persuade' their parents that they must have their own portion.
Our range of Gold Medal equipment is available now for both viewing in our showroom and shipping both in the UK and worldwide. Call us now and take advantage of our many years of experience